“31 Prayers for Financial Wisdom” FREE for Kindle

Pick up your completely FREE Kindle copy of 31 Prayers for Financial Wisdom today (4/14/13) through Thursday (4/18/13)!

Now that tax season has ended here in these United States, many of you are either receiving refunds or realizing you have to pay more taxes. Now is the time to start praying for more financial wisdom in your life. What do you do with this unexpected bonus? How do you prioritize your bills to cover this unexpected expense? Prayer is a vital part of figuring out how God wants you to prioritize the things in your life. Your life needs to be properly ordered so that you can follow His will more closely.

It has been said that “31 Prayers for Financial Wisdom” is just a book of prayers; this is true. It does not have financial advice, nor am I qualified – either by education or by experience – to give such advice. All I’m offering is what Scripture says on the matter and a few prayers based on Scripture to help you enact God’s will in your life.

If you want Christian financial advice, I suggest paying attention to Dave Ramsey. He is qualified to offer financial advice, and he offers it from a Christian perspective.

Now go pick up your FREE copy of “31 Prayers for Financial Wisdom” for your Kindle device today!

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