New Release: “31 Prayers for Hope”

31 Prayers for HopeI have returned to the “31 Prayers” series with a new installment: “31 Prayers for Hope”! This book is already on sale in print and for the Kindle, and is currently available for free on the Kindle! Pick up a copy right away!

From the back cover:

Discover the power of Scripture-based prayer with these 31 prayers for hope.

Pray one of these prayers each day as you strive to overcome despair and to glorify God in your life this month, or focus on a category of prayers for hope.

Scripture-based prayer means speaking to God using His Word when we cannot find our own. He has given us a grand resource in the Scriptures through which we can find help when we need it most. Discover what God’s Word has to say about hope and find God’s light through prayer.

Categories of prayers for hope:
Hope When All Seems Hopeless
Hope’s Assurance
Hope for the Downtrodden
Hope As Righteousness
Hope in Salvation
Hope for All
Hope As a Gift of God
Hope Producing Joy
Hope for Now and Forever

And if you power through this book and are interested in the next, keep an eye out for more information about the next installment, “31 Prayers for Peace”!

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  1. […] In case you missed it, I released another “31 Prayers” book–31 Prayers for Hope. You can learn more about this new prayerbook here. […]

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