Thanksgiving Weekend Sales

A lot of people choose to buy Christmas gifts the Friday after Thanksgiving. Why? Because that’s when all the sales are. Black Friday (originally so called because it took until this date for many companies to get back into the black on their ledgers, i.e., to have positive net income for the year) and its online counterpart, Cyber Monday, are big days when it comes to sales.

To that end, we’ll be having one, too. You’ll be buying all your other gifts those days anyway, right? So here’s what you do: when it comes time to buy those gifts for your family and friends, go to our eStore to buy the book or books of your choice (links are on the Purchase page). You can go to each page and add them all to your cart, if you’re buying more than one title (even though the links are different, the CreateSpace eStore is all one store). Then, when you’re ready to buy them, you head up to “Your Cart” on the upper right-hand side of your screen.

This page lists all of the titles in your cart and the quantities and price (pre-shipping) of those items. Below that list is an innocuous little header that says, “Options & Discounts.” There’s an instruction below that indicating, “If you have a discount code, enter it here,” and below that is a box.

Enter the following codes into that box:

  • On Friday, November 25, 2011, enter this code: Q5RADQK8
  • On Monday, November 28, 2011, enter this code: 2SN3DBNR

That’s Quebec-Five-Romeo-Alfa-Delta-Quebec-Kilo-Eight for Black Friday and Two-Sierra-November-Three-Delta-Bravo-November-Romeo for Cyber Monday. You know, in case you need to read this off to your purchasing cohort and you don’t have the NATO phonetic alphabet memorized.

The Black Friday coupon code will give you 25% off and the Cyber Monday coupon code will give you 28% off. Because I’m whimsical like that. That will take between $2.25 and $2.51 off the price of each book you’re ordering, depending on what day you do your shopping.

The Black Friday sale will run from 12:00am CST on November 25, 2011 until 11:59pm CST on November 25, 2011 (6am GMT on 11/25/2011 until 5:59am GMT on 11/26/2011). The Cyber Monday sale, similarly, will run from 12:00am CST on November 28, 2011 until 11:59pm CST on November 28, 2011 (6am GMT on 11/28/2011 until 5:59am GMT on 11/29/2011). Times may fluctuate for one reason or another, so aim for sometime during the day for good results.

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